Our History of Innovation and Development
A tour …
Foundation of TAMA
TAMA began its activities in 2004 under a vision and mission of “Development of Technology for a better life quality” with a focus on innovation and technological development to transform the Peruvian metalworking industry.
Identity protection
Click to see how TAMA protected its distinctive sign by registering in the Industrial Property Registry of the Peruvian Institute for the Defense of Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property (Indecopi) on February 26, 2007, a crucial step to legalize its identity in order to start consolidating in the market.
First batch of laboratory samplers
Renewable energy and social responsibility
Explore here two of TAMA’s efforts to generate electricity in different ways by experimentally harnessing it: one using a stationary bicycle and the other by raising guinea pigs.
“Generation of electric energy by bicycles” is a project targeted to areas with a high concentration of unemployed youth and adults in which the contribution of energy generated using stationary bicycles was experimentally calculated and converted into electric energy, with a relevant impact at an economic and social level.
Link del video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HimiSudVII
Project “Generation of Electricity by Mechanical Action of Guinea Pigs” aimed to provide light for communities lacking electrical distribution grids with LED technology and to improve relations with the communities.
Link del video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vy5UpET15vw
First commitment to the community
In this link you can see how through its first social work for the Bishopric of Ica, in TAMA we put into practice our principle of “giving back to society, contributing our resources, forging citizens more committed to their environment and leading by example” by building a family housing module of three pieces of 4.7m wide x 11 m long.
Community Engagement
In 2012 TAMA carried out its second social work in Lima: the implementation of the Community Center of the “Asociación de Viviendas Las Terrazas del Pueblo de Santa Clara”, in the district of Ate, Lima, made of concrete slab and prefabricated wood structure. In our first years, this social work was done outwardly (for the benefit of people outside TAMA), but later we have concentrated on doing it inwardly, that is, for the benefit of our own people, in their education and training, for example.
Safe transportation
Industrial development with academic impact
Access here our publication “Fundamentals and Experimental Results of Residual Stress Relief by Subharmonic Vibrations in Carbon Steel Welded Joints” which set a benchmark in the metalworking industry and in academia by generating an alternative procedure for stress relief. This research provided a valuable contribution to the body of knowledge in metalworking by demonstrating its ability to apply academic research findings to practical industrial solutions.
Continuity of strategic partners in times of crisis
In 2015 we developed our first report for our clients, with a transversal analysis, i.e. not only the technical part is analyzed (market situation, prices, technical requirements, etc.), but also the conceptual part of what is the human being, its limitations, and strengths… then over time, these concepts keep maturing, having in 2024 our first sustainability report (see sustainability chapter on our website).
Year of our commitment to academia and of our first automatic concentrate sampler
Improvement of sampler technology
SAP Business One
In 2020 we implemented SAP Business One ERP, which has improved the efficiency of TAMA’s management processes.
Focus on sustainability
Steel pallet made from scrap steel initiative
In 2024 we measured our greenhouse gas emissions, released our first sustainability report, obtained our first star in Peru’s carbon footprint recognition system from the Ministry of the Environment, validated our science-based climate targets and our commitment to the Science Based Targets (SBTi) initiative. We invite you to review our “Sustainability” section for more details on these achievements.
Calle 03 Mza. A Lote. 6B, Urbanización Barbadillo, Ate, 150103- Lima – Perú.

Calle 3, Mz.B, Lt.1, Urbanización Barbadillo, Ate, 150103, Lima, Perú
2023 | TAMA INGENIEROS S.A.C. ® | www.tamaingenieros.pe