Our Social Pillars
From our perspective, our society is built on four pillars that shape the character and personality of human beings: family, work and culture. Our life’s purpose helps keep us in balance against adversities in some of the other three pillars. Nowadays there is a high risk of being influenced by the media.
Hierarchies for a healthy and fair society
As envisioned by TAMA, the hierarchies for a healthy and fair society start with religion, then ethics, followed by politics, law, economics, and home. In a society that is neither healthy nor fair, this order of hierarchies may be broken in time of crisis or economic wealth.
How we prioritize our rights
At TAMA we make our fundamental decisions considering ethics and human rights before personal or group interests.
Criteria for operational decisions
Eight criteria are taken into account in our operational decision making, considering, foremost, the value we give to our employees since we are engaged in a very high-risk economic activity: safety and the environment first and foremost.
The Leader at TAMA
At TAMA, we evaluate our employees from three perspectives: the strategic dimension, related to the ability to increase the economic value we generate; the executive dimension, related to the ability to adapt our operations to their talent; and the leadership dimension, or the ability to drive people to act for transcendent motivations. If you are interested in joining our team, see below the TAMA leader skills:
Our purpose
Our purpose is to plant 1,000 hectares of trees, care for the environment, and develop human beings. We pursue to be a model of business and people management, and to become an ideal place to work.
Our Life Plan
We have turned our purpose into a Life Plan as shared below:
Our Code of Ethics
We promote and inspire the ideal of humane conduct among all stakeholders: employees, customers, suppliers and communities in five areas: anti-bribery, health and safety, environment, information security and quality. Check here our Code of Ethics.
Anti-bribery Management System Policy T-GA-PO-01
TAMA INGENIEROS S.A.C. is a company in the metalworking industry that designs and develops engineering to transform steel and special alloys into equipment and machinery. It also manufactures components used in different productive sectors. To these ends, we are committed to:
This is TAMA
In this section we summarize the main indicators and guidelines that reflect TAMA’s culture and values and sustainability criteria.
In this section we share our progress in measuring our carbon footprint, an important milestone in our commitment to sustainability. In addition, we report key indicators demonstrating the reduction in our consumption of electricity, water, paper and wood, as well as the generation of solid waste, contributing to the preservation of natural resources and the mitigation of climate change.
Our science-based targets
As part of our adherence to the SBTi, we have committed to reduce scope 1 and scope 2 GHG emissions 42% by 2030 from a 2023 base year, to measure and reduce our scope 3 emissions, commits to reach net-zero by 2050. and to reduce scope 1+2+3 emissions 90% by 2050.
CO2 Emissions
Total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by TAMA in 2023 totaled 2,488.03 tons of equivalent carbon dioxide (CO2e), out of which 0.52% were direct emissions (Scope 1), 14.43% were indirect emissions from imported energy (Scope 2) and 98% were indirect emissions that are generated in the value chain (Scope 3).
Among the indirect Scope 3 emissions, 1,399.27 tons CO2e were generated by the purchase of steel raw materials, and 877.57 tons CO2e originated from the purchase of wood for packaging (plywood, wood stripes, and pallets).
Electricity Consumption
At TAMA, we are working to achieve a more responsible consumption of electricity. Thus, in 2023, we used 390.73 Kw-hr per processed ton of steel in fabrications and services.
Water Consumption
SDG 6 on “Clean Water and Sanitation” demands us to be more efficient in water use to achieve universal coverage by 2030. Our water consumption per ton of production decreased from 1.45 m³ in 2020 to 1.00 m³ in 2023.
Paper Consumption
In 2023, paper consumption, commonly used for printing manufacturing drawings and filling out registration forms, was reduced from 0.22 thousand paper per ton of steel to 0.11 thousand/ton.
Wood consumption for packaging
To meet our customers’ packaging standards, in 2023 for every 100 tons of steel fabrications seven 0.81 m diameter x 17.90 m high trees had to be felled. We have launched an initiative to replace wooden pallets with steel pallets, thereby expecting to reduce up to 815 tons of CO2 per year.
In our R&D section “Steel pallets from scrap steel” you may access our detailed report.
Solid waste
Since 2009, TAMA has been carrying out statistical control of the solid waste generated by our operations. In the 2020-2023 period, the ratio of solid steel waste generation has remained stable between 167 and 185 kg of steel waste per processed ton.
Human and labor rights
SDG 10 on reducing inequalities states that it is necessary to distribute resources equitably, and to invest in education and capacity building. Since 2018 when TAMA began the process to achieve ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 27001, and ISO 37001 certifications, we have progressively increased training for employees and operators. Thus, for instance, in 2023 TAMA workers attended an average of 4.91 days of technical training, staff induction, and five-minute safety talks, compared to 4.32 annual days of training received in 2022.
In line with SDG N° 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and SDG N° 10 (Reducing Inequalities), and with our Life Plan T-GG-PL-03, the highest salary of a manager at TAMA is, at most, ten times the lowest salary of an operator or assistant. In addition, at TAMA, all salaries are paid on payroll with the real wage and we do not hire minors
Health and safety
At TAMA we have been managing our safety indicators since 2012 and, as a result of the safety training carried out, in the last five years we have significantly improved the frequency and severity rates of incidents.
- Injuries, severity, and frequency
There has been a reduction in severity in terms of man-hours with medical leave compared with 2022, specially in incidents involving hand injuries.
Quality and customer satisfaction
Long-standing customer relationships
The long standing of our customers, the qualifications obtained over the years in different audits, along with the evolution of the steel tons produced by each worker reflect that in TAMA we strive for the development of friendship, looking forward to the medium and long term, while preserving the know-how of our customers.
Management and manufacturing capabilities
We are committed to keep a maximum employee to operator ratio of 1:1.5 (i.e. a maximum of 15 operators for every 10 employees) and to not using contractors. This mix of management and manufacturing capacity is what makes it possible, for example, to transform 468 tons of steel in 2023 with 76 workers: 40 operators and 36 employees.
Financial sustainability
At TAMA, since 2022 we measure gross domestic product per capita, an economic index that also reflects TAMA’s efforts towards sustainable development goals such as eradicating poverty, decent work, and economic growth.
In 2023 TAMA’s Gross Value Added per capita (GVApc) was US$ 22,005, 2.9 times the Peruvian GDP per capita, which is estimated at US$ 7,503 according to official data.
In line with Chapter XI “Taxation” of the OECD guidelines, which emphasizes that it is important for companies to contribute to the public finances of countries making timely payment of their tax liabilities, between September 2004 and December 2023 TAMA has contributed to the Peruvian State S/. 18,546,486 including value added taxes, income tax, social security, workers’ profit sharing, extraordinary profits, and a productivity bonus.
Technology and Innovation
En esta sección exponemos información sobre los avances en materia de tecnología e innovación.
Confidentiality agreements
TAMA aligns itself with Chapter IX of the OECD Guidelines on Science, Technology and Innovation which states that companies must comply with applicable national laws and requirements, including privacy and data protection requirements and export control regulations, and that digital security is a shared responsibility across all stakeholders, including businesses, customers, and governments
Research & Development
Visit our R&D section to see our projects in technology, innovation and development..
Grupos de Interés
In line with SDG N° 17 “A successful sustainable development agenda requires partnerships between governments, the private sector and civil society. These inclusive partnerships built upon principles and values, a shared vision, and shared goals that place people and the planet at the center, are needed at the global, regional, national and local level” and its target 17.11 “Significantly increase exports from developing countries”, at TAMA, we are working to position Peruvian metal-working products abroad and, as a demonstration of this, we are steadily increasing our exports since 2018.
Calle 03 Mza. A Lote. 6B, Urbanización Barbadillo, Ate, 150103- Lima – Perú.

Calle 3, Mz.B, Lt.1, Urbanización Barbadillo, Ate, 150103, Lima, Perú